
The Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (SAAL) aims to provide a means for professionals working in applied linguistics to establish and maintain contact with one another and to keep up to date with research and developments in the field of applied linguistics; to invite specialists in applied linguistics to give talks, lectures, seminars, workshops to members of the Association; to promote research in applied linguistics; and to conduct other activities which may be useful for developing the professional competence of members of the Association.

SAAL Seminar with
Dr. Edgar W. Schneider
Thursday, 24 September 2022
In investigating the English language and its modifications in time and space I have always been thrilled by the interplay between regularity and systematicity on the one hand and irregularity and variability on the other: somehow we all share rules and a "system" and talk "the same" way (otherwise we couldn't communicate), but then we also have the liberty to deviate, use alternative choices to signal social belonging, and even "break rules" for a purpose, talk "differently" – language is not mathematics. I guess this tension between uniformity and variability has fuelled the fascination with language that drives my research and that I hope to be able to share in my teaching.

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Edgar W. Schneider

Happening @ SAAL
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Edgar W. Schneider
Presentation of the SAAL Mentoring Medal & the 39th SAAL AGM

Presentation of the SAAL Mentoring Medal & the 39th SAAL AGM
This year's AGM on 21st September 2024 will be preceded by an award ceremony starting at 9:30am, in which Professor Low Ee Ling will be presented with the SAAL Mentoring Medal . The programme for the day is as follows: 9.00am–9.30am Breakfast 9.30am–10.45am SAAL Mentoring Medal and acceptance speech by Professor Low Ee Ling 11.00am–12.30pm 39th SAAL AGM

SAAL Bilingualism Symposium

2023 TESOL Lecture - SUSS & CULI
The Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (TESOL) programme at the School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences (SHBS, SUSS) is holding this year's TESOL Lecture on Saturday, 30 September 2023, 10.00-11.00am via Zoom. The speaker, Asst Prof Tanyaporn Arya from Chulalongkorn University Language Institute (CULI), will examine the significance, challenges and prospects of assessing interactional competence. Jointly organized by SHBS and CULI, this year's lecture marks the one-year anniversary of MOU signing between SUSS and Chulalongkorn University. All are welcome! Please scan the QR code to register.


LinKguistics Seminar 2023

The 25th Conference of The International Association for World Englishes (IAWE)
Send your abstract now (max. 160 words) to abstracts.iawe25@gmail.com Also please see the IAWE25 website - https://www.stonybrook.edu/iawe25/index.php

SAAL Talk & 37th AGM

Unequal Englishes, Unequal Speakers: A Symposium
For more information and to register, please follow this link: https://uaeu-ac-ae.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oo-qpv7RRGetLCs46KljqA

“The Spread of English: Benefits and Danger” A Lecture by Professor Sandra Lee McKay
Professor Sandra Lee McKay will be giving a lecture via Zoom entitled “The Spread of English: Benefits and Danger”. It is jointly organized by the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and the School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences. Please see the attached poster for more details and the link/QR code to register. We look forward to seeing you there!

MAAL APC 2022 Conference
For further details, please go to maalapc.maal.org.my/ MAAL APC is a biennial conference and aims to bring applied linguists from across the regions together to network and share research outcomes and experiences. MAAL invites academics, policy makers, politicians, government and non-governmental organisations, private organisations, civil societies or the third sector, and the public at large to share their thoughts, research findings and theories on “The Role of Languages In the Pursuit of Global Sustainability” at its inaugural MAAL APC 2022. MAAL APC 2022 welcomes submissions for oral/parallel presentations and symposia (based on specific themes) on the following sub-themes: • Language and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • Language access and empowerment • Partnership and interaction in language • Linguistic challenges to national development and international collaborations • Inclusion, mobility and multilingual education • Sociolinguistics • Signlinguistics • Translanguaging & Transknowledging • Bilingualism and Multilingualism • Interlinguistics, Stylistics, and Pragmatics • Forensic Linguistics • Language gender and discourse • Translation • Language Teaching and Learning • Language Teacher Education • Language Curriculum Development and Assessment • Language issues, challenges, and development in the following domains:- o Political o Economics o Sociocultural o Technology o Legal o Environmental Important Dates: Abstract submission deadline :31 May 2022 (Extended deadline for Abstract Submission - 21 June) Early bird payment: 30 June 2022 Registration and payment deadline: 31 July 2022 Extended deadline for Abstract Submission: 21 June 2022 Detailed information is available on the MAAL APC 2022 Conference website at: https://maalapc.maal.org.my/ For further information, please contact: maalapc2022@gmail.com .

16th International Conference on the Short Story in English
21-25 June 2022 The International Conference on the Short Story in English was first launched in 1988 in Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, by the Society for the Study of the Short Story in English (SSSS) as a colloquium which has grown in stature and gained prominence over the years.
The 16th International Conference on the Short Story in English will take place from 21st June to 25th June 2022 at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore with the theme “ Diversity of Voices: A Global Storytelling History ”.
The conference will focus on the craft of writing both short stories and creative non-fiction in its various forms and designs as well as its accompanying criticism and scholarship. Special panels include teaching creative writing in schools and tertiary institutions, children’s literature, young adult fiction, and translated works into English from Singapore’s other official languages of Tamil, Malay and Mandarin.
Conference Highlights