Membership Benefits
10% discount on subscription to World Englishes.
Free copy of the AILA review.
Free admission to SAAL talks and lectures.
Discounts on admission to SAAL-organised seminars, colloquia and workshops.
Discounted rate for AILA congresses.
Access to a local and international network of applied linguists.
Facilitate research and practice in applied linguistics.

Membership Rates
Ordinary membership at S$20 for one year, or S$35 for two years
Student membership at S$15 for one year, or S$25 for two years
Corporate membership at S$100 for one year, or S$180 for two years

Constitution on Membership
Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in and are actively contributing to the advancement of applied linguistics as a profession.
All members have the right to vote.
Membership is open at any time of the year, but all membership fees are computed from 1 September, regardless of the date of joining.