The Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (SAAL) aims to provide a means for professionals working in applied linguistics to establish and maintain contact with one another and to keep up to date with research and developments in the field of applied linguistics; to invite specialists in applied linguistics to give talks, lectures, seminars and workshops to members of the Association; to promote research in applied linguistics; and to conduct other activities which may be useful for developing the professional competence of members of the Association.
Latest Announcements

The 25th Conference of The International Association for World Englishes (IAWE)
Send your abstract now (max. 160 words) to abstracts.iawe25@gmail.com Also please see the IAWE25 website - https://www.stonybrook.edu/iaw...

Unequal Englishes, Unequal Speakers: A Symposium
For more information and to register, please follow this link: https://uaeu-ac-ae.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oo-qpv7RRGetLCs46KljqA